Feeling Unwell? Get Back to Basics!
Are you feeling unwell lately? Are you unsure if your feelings of un-wellness are in your head or in your body? Well they are extremely interconnected, so it may be hard to tell. And you really can’t have one without the other. However, there are a few basics you can consider, to ensure that you are giving your body the basics!
Watch these Wellness Minutes to find out four ways you can help your body – and one major thing you need to do, to get back on track!

Procrastination. The Biggest Nation in the World!
Do you procrastinate? Do you know why? Did you know there is relief in action?
As a society, we have come to feel the need to be comfortable at all times and at all costs. But there is a HUGE benefit to being UNcomfortable, because that is where all the action happens. That is where CHANGE happens. Remember ‘Short term pain for long term gain’? True Story!
So who’s with me? Who wants to get uncomfortable?

Microbreaks at Work!
Aside from having some serious benefits on your physical health, did you know that Microbreaks can drastically improve performance at work? According to a study done by the American Psychological Association, by incorporating Microbreaks of five minutes or less throughout the workday, employees had higher work engagement and improved end-of-work fatigue.