Life Balance for Mental Health!
Do you ever feel like you are not enough, or that everyone else has it together better than you do? Have you ever felt something was a really big deal until all of a sudden …it wasn’t?
Sometimes we are viewing an area or aspect of our life through a lens that isn’t accurate. When we become hyper focused on one specific area in our life, the other areas suffer, and can jade our perspective on our lives and our selves.
If you have been down in the dumps, and feeling “less-than”, maybe have a listen and change your perspective, and your focus!

What Is Causing Your Inflammation?
Did you know that Inflammation can create many symptoms in your body including joint pain, headaches, digestion issues, anxiety and even weight gain!? That's right! And with all the stress created within the last few years, inflammation is on the rise! So what causes Inflammation and what can we do to stop it? Take a peek at these Wellness Minutes to put your body and mind at ease!

Daily Gratitude Practice!
Are you grateful? Is gratitude part of your daily life? Statistics show that people who practice gratitude on a daily basis live happier lives. And the power of positive thinking says that ‘like attracts like’! If you find yourself wishing things were different in your life, take three minutes out of your day to start thinking with an attitude of gratitude!
Listen to these Wellness Minutes and work them into your daily routine to see how gratitude can change your life!

Relief For Constipation!
Do you struggle with constipation? Constipation is when you have uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements. So that could mean that your stool is hard, or hard to come out, that you cramp, or that you hardly poop at all! All of these are an indication that something is amiss and needs your attention to get things moving! After all, what goes in must come out!
Having regular bowel movements are integral to being, and staying, healthy! Watch these Wellness Minutes to help you find relief for constipation!

Get Happy Using Your Senses!
We have all struggled with our emotions, and staying upbeat, happy and motivated. But did you know that you have everything you need, built right into you, to take control over your mood? Using your five senses are the fastest and easiest way to move your focus to the body and get back to the present moment. After all, living in the past or worrying about the future is usually the reason we lose our ‘happy’ to begin with!
Take a peek at these quick Wellness Minutes, to help you understand how to use your five senses to lift your mood and get happy!

Nighttime Anxiety: How to Self-Soothe
So it’s the middle of the night, and you feel a wave of anxiety wash over you. You start to panic, in anticipation of this all too familiar feeling you feel creeping in again. So what do you do? What do you do in THIS moment, to help stop this anxiety attack in its tracks? Hint: It’s NOT picking up your phone to check out social media!
Watch these Wellness Minutes to help you manage nighttime anxiety, and get a good night’s sleep!

Short Affirmations to Start Your Day
The seasons are changing, and with it brings opportunity to change your mindset and the energy surrounding you! As the saying goes: Where focus goes, energy flows! So, the question you need to ask yourself, is what are you focusing on? Try these short affirmations to start your day off in the right direction.

Do your feet hurt? Does it hurt to wear shoes and exercise? Do you know what a bunion is? Chances are, you’ve heard the word “Bunion” in passing, but associate it with your grandma, and aren’t sure exactly what this is.
Bunions form when the joint of the big toe gets inflamed and changes the structure and look of the foot, forming a knob like bump at the base of the big toe. It usually isn’t pretty, and it can really affect flip-flop wearing season!
If you are having foot pain, or are shying away from sandals, have a listen to these Wellness Minutes to learn what you can do have happy feet and combat bunions!

Benefits of a Healthy Sleep Routine!
Are you struggling with sleep? Do you find yourself tired all day, and when your head hits the pillow – you are wide awake? Are your thoughts turning over and over, and your frustration grows with every passing minute you stare at the ceiling?
There is more to a peaceful sleep then getting into bed, and it starts long before your head hits the pillow. Have you heard of a sleep routine? Well just like with children, a solid sleep routine is worth its weight in gold! Understanding this process will help you sleep like a baby, and function the following day like a champion!

Benefits of Cats and Dogs for Mental Health!
Do you have a fur baby? Have you considered getting one? Did you know that there is TONS of research to show the positive effects on mental health to having a Cat or a Dog?
Yes it’s true that having a cat or dog is a 15-20 year commitment, but the Return On Investment may be more than you could ever dreamed of!
If you are considering adding a new furry addition to your family, check out these Wellness Minutes!

Am I Depressed?
Have you ever had a case of the blues, and wondered if it was something more serious? Have you ever thought to yourself: Will this sadness pass on its own, or do I need to reach out to someone?
If you have had these thoughts, you are one of thousands who struggle on a daily basis wanting to know if they are just down in the dumps, or struggling with actual depression.
If in doubt – reach out!! But if you want some clear information on the sometimes subtle differences, these Wellness Minutes are worth mustering up the energy to watch!

Am I Bored or Am I Hungry?
Do you find yourself staring into the refrigerator or cupboard, wondering what you should eat? Are you sitting on the couch mindlessly munching potato chips? Do you find yourself feeling ‘hungry all the time’ and thinking about food constantly?
One of the most popular questions people ask in regards to losing weight is how to know the difference between hunger and boredom?
These Wellness Minutes explain exactly what you need to know!

3 Mindset Shifts to Keep New Year's Resolutions!
Do you make New Year’s resolutions every year, only to realize you are making the same ones as last year because they never came to fruition? Do you find yourself setting goals on a regular basis and not achieving them? Perhaps there is nothing wrong with your goal or resolution, but adjustments that need to happen to your way of thinking!
Mindset is a powerful thing! If you are able to create a shift in the way you view something, you can change your life!
Watch these Wellness Minutes to shift your Mindset, and your life!

How to Give Back When Funds are Low!
The holiday season makes us more mindful of all the people and institutions out there that can use a hand up! And did you know that when you help someone else, or do good in the world, it boosts our happiness hormones? We feel a sense of accomplishment and pride and inner peace. Wow! All that and good karma? Sign me up!
But what if you want to help out – but don’t have a fat wallet?
There are many ways in which we can “Give Back”, that don’t cost a cent, or very little. Watch these Wellness Minutes to find your ‘Giving Spirit’ and not only help someone out, but boost your mood and happiness today!

The Anxiety Boundaries Connection!
Do holidays make you anxious? Does too much family time make you want to hide under the covers? Do you struggle with saying ‘No’?
If you answered yes to the above questions, you likely struggle with boundaries! You also likely equally love and hate special occasions! Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps your ‘Holiday Anxiety’ has a simple solution?
There is a HUGE correlation between Anxiety and Boundaries. Not just for holidays, but every day! Watch these Wellness Minutes to sail through the holidays with flying colours!

Sugar vs Sweeteners. Eating Keto?
Are you confused about sugars and sweeteners? There are so many questions when it comes to sugars and sugar substitutes. There is also a lot of confusion! If you are eating Keto style, or counting carbs and net carbs - you may be searching for some guidance.
There are many different options to choose from, but you should know the basics when deciding what you are going to put in your body. Let's give you the information you need to know your options to see results, but also how your choices will affect you long term. After all, we want weight loss and health to be lasting!

Leaky Gut is Very Real!
Have you heard of the term “Leaky Gut”? Did you know this is a real thing and not just a trendy word? Did you know that Leaky Gut doesn’t just affect the digestive system, but it actually affects the entire body?
Over the years, there has been more and more research pointing to a large part of the population going undiagnosed with this problem. There are a number of symptoms that result from this issue, and can manifest differently in people, which has lead to some confusion.

Feeling Depressed?
Our minds are often overwhelmed with what is happening in the world today and things out of our control. And sometimes, these overwhelming thoughts can lead to feelings of defeat or depression.
Sometimes there are situations, or we are the recipient of aggression or moodiness, and none of this has anything to do with us!
Why do we choose to personalize these situations, and sit in a place of resentment, frustration or fear? What if we reframed those feelings? We always have the choice to choose the better thought.

Can You Inherit Cancer?
When we talk about cancer being inherited or predisposed, we need to explain how much individual power we still have. While there is research to show that some cancers do have a genetic component, the extent to which genetics plays a part can be fairly low. On average, the genetic component of cancers tends to be roughly 10%. This means that there are a number of factors that you are in control of.
Watch these Wellness Minutes to find out what factors can play a part, and how you can take your power back!

Feeling Unwell? Get Back to Basics!
Are you feeling unwell lately? Are you unsure if your feelings of un-wellness are in your head or in your body? Well they are extremely interconnected, so it may be hard to tell. And you really can’t have one without the other. However, there are a few basics you can consider, to ensure that you are giving your body the basics!
Watch these Wellness Minutes to find out four ways you can help your body – and one major thing you need to do, to get back on track!