Procrastination. The Biggest Nation in the World!

Procrastination. The Biggest Nation in the World!

Do you procrastinate? Do you know why? Did you know there is relief in action?

As a society, we have come to feel the need to be comfortable at all times and at all costs. But there is a HUGE benefit to being UNcomfortable, because that is where all the action happens. That is where CHANGE happens. Remember ‘Short term pain for long term gain’? True Story!

So who’s with me? Who wants to get uncomfortable?

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Electrolytes Explained!

Electrolytes Explained!

Summer is a great time to exercise! And many people actually prefer to work out in warmer weather, or in a warmer temperature. But are you paying attention to your Electrolytes? Do you even know what they do?

Electrolytes are extremely important for fluid balance in the body! Watch these Wellness Minutes to get the scoop on Electrolytes, and what you can do to stay hydrated!

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What is Holding Space?

What is Holding Space?

Let’s face it. The last couple years have been tough! We’ve all tried to bring our A game, but it wasn’t easy. And some of us are still processing our feelings, and are holding onto grief. Both ours and the collective grief we have just experienced.

If you are one of those people, or if you know one of those people, what are you doing about it? We hope you are not sweeping those emotions under the table, because you need to feel it to heal it! We hope you watch this little video, and try this instead!

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Do Your Fingers Swell When You Exercise?
Health and Wellness, Lifestyle Tricia Nickl Health and Wellness, Lifestyle Tricia Nickl

Do Your Fingers Swell When You Exercise?

Does this summer weather having you moving your body more? We hope so! Summer is a great time to form new wellness habits and routines - especially in regards to exercise! Days are lighter and longer, and the temperature begs us to get outdoors! 🌞

But have you noticed that your hands are feeling stiff? Are you fingers swelling and your rings getting tight? Well you don’t necessarily need to be alarmed, it happens more than you think! Have a listen to find out why this happens, and what you can do about it! 👏

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Vote With Your Dollars
Health and Wellness, Lifestyle Tricia Nickl Health and Wellness, Lifestyle Tricia Nickl

Vote With Your Dollars

Do you understand that there is power in how you spend your money? That you can vote with your dollars? Every choice you make is part of the bigger picture. It’s part of supply and demand. And when you make better choices, choices that reflect wellbeing for yourself, the environment and the animals; you have the ability to change the trajectory.

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Microbreaks at Work!

Microbreaks at Work!

Aside from having some serious benefits on your physical health, did you know that Microbreaks can drastically improve performance at work? According to a study done by the American Psychological Association, by incorporating Microbreaks of five minutes or less throughout the workday, employees had higher work engagement and improved
end-of-work fatigue.

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Spring Cleansing Made Easy!

Spring Cleansing Made Easy!

Spring is the perfect time to lighten the load going into the body. It’s time to trade in the heavy comfort foods for local and fresh foods in line with the season, and clean up our unhealthy habits. Small changes in foods and habits can drastically improve digestion and other bodily functions, and lighten the toxic load on the body. This frees up energy in the body for things like increased focus, energy and stamina.

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Empathy vs. Sympathy

Empathy vs. Sympathy

In honor of Mental Health Week, today’s Wellness Minutes are about Empathy. There’s some confusion around the difference between Sympathy vs Empathy. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone else or pitying them. But those feelings include judgment. Whereas Empathy, is trying to understand what someone else is feeling or going though, and trying to put yourself in their shoes! This allows the other person to feel however they feel, without you adding to their discomfort.

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Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Day to Day Life
Health and Wellness, Lifestyle Tricia Nickl Health and Wellness, Lifestyle Tricia Nickl

Ways to Reduce Waste in Your Day to Day Life

Today's Wellness Minutes are about reducing the amount of waste going into the landfill that we each generate in our homes. The main question you can ask when you see single-use plastics at the store is "Is this really necessary?" Your voice and your dollars matter. What's one change you can make this Earth Day? Here are some of the EASIEST ways to start.

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Life After Chemotherapy and Radiation in regards to Mental Health

Life After Chemotherapy and Radiation in regards to Mental Health

I previously spoke about the physical aspects you should consider after chemo and radiation. Now, I want to acknowledge the mental health aspect of cancer as there are a whole bunch of emotions you suddenly experience throughout this journey. Not to mention the added impact of changes in memory connections, neurochemistry and hormones.

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Help for Setting Goals & Resolutions That Work!

Help for Setting Goals & Resolutions That Work!

Today's Wellness Minutes are about goal setting and resolution setting. The majority of us are really unreasonable with our goal and resolution setting but it doesn't have to be that way! Let's take a look at how your mindset can affect your goal setting and outcomes for 2022!

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Weight Management Through The Holiday Season

Weight Management Through The Holiday Season

Today's Wellness Minutes are about indulging responsibly throughout the holiday season. We can safely assume that the holiday season will bring so many more treats into our lives so, we need to plan ahead to be smart about things. Enjoy these helpful tips!

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