Spring Cleansing Made Easy!

Spring Cleansing Made Easy!

Spring is the perfect time to lighten the load going into the body. It’s time to trade in the heavy comfort foods for local and fresh foods in line with the season, and clean up our unhealthy habits. Small changes in foods and habits can drastically improve digestion and other bodily functions, and lighten the toxic load on the body. This frees up energy in the body for things like increased focus, energy and stamina.

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Empathy vs. Sympathy

Empathy vs. Sympathy

In honor of Mental Health Week, today’s Wellness Minutes are about Empathy. There’s some confusion around the difference between Sympathy vs Empathy. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone else or pitying them. But those feelings include judgment. Whereas Empathy, is trying to understand what someone else is feeling or going though, and trying to put yourself in their shoes! This allows the other person to feel however they feel, without you adding to their discomfort.

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Help for Setting Goals & Resolutions That Work!

Help for Setting Goals & Resolutions That Work!

Today's Wellness Minutes are about goal setting and resolution setting. The majority of us are really unreasonable with our goal and resolution setting but it doesn't have to be that way! Let's take a look at how your mindset can affect your goal setting and outcomes for 2022!

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Clear Your Space, Clear Your Mind!

Clear Your Space, Clear Your Mind!

Today’s Wellness Minutes are about clearing the clutter and clearing some space. Now, there has never been a time in our lives where we’ve had more on our minds and on our plates than we do right now. There’s been a lot of transition, a lot of changing and it’s required a…

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The Importance of Probiotics for Mental Health

The Importance of Probiotics for Mental Health

Today’s Wellness Minutes are about the importance of probiotics for your mental health. Now, a long time ago we used to think that mental health was just a brain thing but now we understand that it’s a gut-brain thing. The gut-brain access and the way it communicates is…

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Anxiety. Are You Remembering the Basics?

Anxiety. Are You Remembering the Basics?

Today’s Wellness Minutes are about anxiety. Now, everyone is having huge heightened anxiety right now. I mean, the world that we’re living in right now is pretty crazy. However, it is relevant to everyone’s personal experience and so there are three physical things that will benefit everyone…

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Do This to Get Through the Lows!

Do This to Get Through the Lows!

Today’s Wellness Minutes are about gratitude and more specifically the power of gratitude if you’re going through tough times. A lot of people say ‘yeah, yeah, I should be grateful, I know’ or the other half of people will say ‘yes I am grateful, I’m grateful every day’. And that’s…

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