Do Your Fingers Swell When You Exercise?
Does this summer weather having you moving your body more? We hope so! Summer is a great time to form new wellness habits and routines - especially in regards to exercise! Days are lighter and longer, and the temperature begs us to get outdoors! 🌞
But have you noticed that your hands are feeling stiff? Are you fingers swelling and your rings getting tight? Well you don’t necessarily need to be alarmed, it happens more than you think! Have a listen to find out why this happens, and what you can do about it! 👏

Help for Thyroid Function.
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about how to support your thyroid function optimally. In another video, we discussed how the thyroid works and if you have hypothyroidism - why your medication may not be working. This video takes it a little further, looking at supportive nutrients and things that you can take out of your environment to …