Relief For Constipation!
Do you struggle with constipation? Constipation is when you have uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements. So that could mean that your stool is hard, or hard to come out, that you cramp, or that you hardly poop at all! All of these are an indication that something is amiss and needs your attention to get things moving! After all, what goes in must come out!
Having regular bowel movements are integral to being, and staying, healthy! Watch these Wellness Minutes to help you find relief for constipation!

Am I Depressed?
Have you ever had a case of the blues, and wondered if it was something more serious? Have you ever thought to yourself: Will this sadness pass on its own, or do I need to reach out to someone?
If you have had these thoughts, you are one of thousands who struggle on a daily basis wanting to know if they are just down in the dumps, or struggling with actual depression.
If in doubt – reach out!! But if you want some clear information on the sometimes subtle differences, these Wellness Minutes are worth mustering up the energy to watch!

3 Mindset Shifts to Keep New Year's Resolutions!
Do you make New Year’s resolutions every year, only to realize you are making the same ones as last year because they never came to fruition? Do you find yourself setting goals on a regular basis and not achieving them? Perhaps there is nothing wrong with your goal or resolution, but adjustments that need to happen to your way of thinking!
Mindset is a powerful thing! If you are able to create a shift in the way you view something, you can change your life!
Watch these Wellness Minutes to shift your Mindset, and your life!

The Anxiety Boundaries Connection!
Do holidays make you anxious? Does too much family time make you want to hide under the covers? Do you struggle with saying ‘No’?
If you answered yes to the above questions, you likely struggle with boundaries! You also likely equally love and hate special occasions! Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps your ‘Holiday Anxiety’ has a simple solution?
There is a HUGE correlation between Anxiety and Boundaries. Not just for holidays, but every day! Watch these Wellness Minutes to sail through the holidays with flying colours!