Get Happy Using Your Senses!
We have all struggled with our emotions, and staying upbeat, happy and motivated. But did you know that you have everything you need, built right into you, to take control over your mood? Using your five senses are the fastest and easiest way to move your focus to the body and get back to the present moment. After all, living in the past or worrying about the future is usually the reason we lose our ‘happy’ to begin with!
Take a peek at these quick Wellness Minutes, to help you understand how to use your five senses to lift your mood and get happy!

Vote With Your Dollars
Do you understand that there is power in how you spend your money? That you can vote with your dollars? Every choice you make is part of the bigger picture. It’s part of supply and demand. And when you make better choices, choices that reflect wellbeing for yourself, the environment and the animals; you have the ability to change the trajectory.

Are Your Routines Still Working?
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about challenging the status quo and taking a good look at your routines to see if they still work for you.