Get Happy Using Your Senses!
We have all struggled with our emotions, and staying upbeat, happy and motivated. But did you know that you have everything you need, built right into you, to take control over your mood? Using your five senses are the fastest and easiest way to move your focus to the body and get back to the present moment. After all, living in the past or worrying about the future is usually the reason we lose our ‘happy’ to begin with!
Take a peek at these quick Wellness Minutes, to help you understand how to use your five senses to lift your mood and get happy!

Benefits of Cats and Dogs for Mental Health!
Do you have a fur baby? Have you considered getting one? Did you know that there is TONS of research to show the positive effects on mental health to having a Cat or a Dog?
Yes it’s true that having a cat or dog is a 15-20 year commitment, but the Return On Investment may be more than you could ever dreamed of!
If you are considering adding a new furry addition to your family, check out these Wellness Minutes!

Am I Depressed?
Have you ever had a case of the blues, and wondered if it was something more serious? Have you ever thought to yourself: Will this sadness pass on its own, or do I need to reach out to someone?
If you have had these thoughts, you are one of thousands who struggle on a daily basis wanting to know if they are just down in the dumps, or struggling with actual depression.
If in doubt – reach out!! But if you want some clear information on the sometimes subtle differences, these Wellness Minutes are worth mustering up the energy to watch!

How to Give Back When Funds are Low!
The holiday season makes us more mindful of all the people and institutions out there that can use a hand up! And did you know that when you help someone else, or do good in the world, it boosts our happiness hormones? We feel a sense of accomplishment and pride and inner peace. Wow! All that and good karma? Sign me up!
But what if you want to help out – but don’t have a fat wallet?
There are many ways in which we can “Give Back”, that don’t cost a cent, or very little. Watch these Wellness Minutes to find your ‘Giving Spirit’ and not only help someone out, but boost your mood and happiness today!

The Anxiety Boundaries Connection!
Do holidays make you anxious? Does too much family time make you want to hide under the covers? Do you struggle with saying ‘No’?
If you answered yes to the above questions, you likely struggle with boundaries! You also likely equally love and hate special occasions! Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps your ‘Holiday Anxiety’ has a simple solution?
There is a HUGE correlation between Anxiety and Boundaries. Not just for holidays, but every day! Watch these Wellness Minutes to sail through the holidays with flying colours!