Daily Gratitude Practice!
Are you grateful? Is gratitude part of your daily life? Statistics show that people who practice gratitude on a daily basis live happier lives. And the power of positive thinking says that ‘like attracts like’! If you find yourself wishing things were different in your life, take three minutes out of your day to start thinking with an attitude of gratitude!
Listen to these Wellness Minutes and work them into your daily routine to see how gratitude can change your life!

Feeling Unwell? Get Back to Basics!
Are you feeling unwell lately? Are you unsure if your feelings of un-wellness are in your head or in your body? Well they are extremely interconnected, so it may be hard to tell. And you really can’t have one without the other. However, there are a few basics you can consider, to ensure that you are giving your body the basics!
Watch these Wellness Minutes to find out four ways you can help your body – and one major thing you need to do, to get back on track!

Procrastination. The Biggest Nation in the World!
Do you procrastinate? Do you know why? Did you know there is relief in action?
As a society, we have come to feel the need to be comfortable at all times and at all costs. But there is a HUGE benefit to being UNcomfortable, because that is where all the action happens. That is where CHANGE happens. Remember ‘Short term pain for long term gain’? True Story!
So who’s with me? Who wants to get uncomfortable?

Electrolytes Explained!
Summer is a great time to exercise! And many people actually prefer to work out in warmer weather, or in a warmer temperature. But are you paying attention to your Electrolytes? Do you even know what they do?
Electrolytes are extremely important for fluid balance in the body! Watch these Wellness Minutes to get the scoop on Electrolytes, and what you can do to stay hydrated!

This Could Be Why You Are Not Sleeping.
Today’s Wellness Minutes are on LED lighting and sleep. If you are struggling to get to sleep these days, I just want to let you know that you are in some pretty good company. There’s a ton of people with sleep problems and I wanted to shed a bit of light on what might be making it worse instead of better…