Benefits of a Healthy Sleep Routine!
Are you struggling with sleep? Do you find yourself tired all day, and when your head hits the pillow – you are wide awake? Are your thoughts turning over and over, and your frustration grows with every passing minute you stare at the ceiling?
There is more to a peaceful sleep then getting into bed, and it starts long before your head hits the pillow. Have you heard of a sleep routine? Well just like with children, a solid sleep routine is worth its weight in gold! Understanding this process will help you sleep like a baby, and function the following day like a champion!

Benefits of Cats and Dogs for Mental Health!
Do you have a fur baby? Have you considered getting one? Did you know that there is TONS of research to show the positive effects on mental health to having a Cat or a Dog?
Yes it’s true that having a cat or dog is a 15-20 year commitment, but the Return On Investment may be more than you could ever dreamed of!
If you are considering adding a new furry addition to your family, check out these Wellness Minutes!

How to Give Back When Funds are Low!
The holiday season makes us more mindful of all the people and institutions out there that can use a hand up! And did you know that when you help someone else, or do good in the world, it boosts our happiness hormones? We feel a sense of accomplishment and pride and inner peace. Wow! All that and good karma? Sign me up!
But what if you want to help out – but don’t have a fat wallet?
There are many ways in which we can “Give Back”, that don’t cost a cent, or very little. Watch these Wellness Minutes to find your ‘Giving Spirit’ and not only help someone out, but boost your mood and happiness today!

Understanding Keto and Intermittent Fasting
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about Keto Diets and Intermittent Fasting and if they’re the right decision for you considering the long-term effects on your body.