Relief For Constipation!
Do you struggle with constipation? Constipation is when you have uncomfortable or infrequent bowel movements. So that could mean that your stool is hard, or hard to come out, that you cramp, or that you hardly poop at all! All of these are an indication that something is amiss and needs your attention to get things moving! After all, what goes in must come out!
Having regular bowel movements are integral to being, and staying, healthy! Watch these Wellness Minutes to help you find relief for constipation!

Get Happy Using Your Senses!
We have all struggled with our emotions, and staying upbeat, happy and motivated. But did you know that you have everything you need, built right into you, to take control over your mood? Using your five senses are the fastest and easiest way to move your focus to the body and get back to the present moment. After all, living in the past or worrying about the future is usually the reason we lose our ‘happy’ to begin with!
Take a peek at these quick Wellness Minutes, to help you understand how to use your five senses to lift your mood and get happy!

Hot Flashes - What You Might Be Overlooking!
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about menopausal hot flashes. If you’re a woman who’s struggling with menopause and specifically can’t shake your hot flashes, I have one thing that you may be overlooking and that is the inclusion of…