Life Balance for Mental Health!
Do you ever feel like you are not enough, or that everyone else has it together better than you do? Have you ever felt something was a really big deal until all of a sudden …it wasn’t?
Sometimes we are viewing an area or aspect of our life through a lens that isn’t accurate. When we become hyper focused on one specific area in our life, the other areas suffer, and can jade our perspective on our lives and our selves.
If you have been down in the dumps, and feeling “less-than”, maybe have a listen and change your perspective, and your focus!

Tips to Balance Social Media with Life!
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about presence, social media management and how it’s affecting our mental health.

You Deserve This.
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about taking time out for yourself. There’s a lot of conversation I’ve been having with both clients and friends about people’s inability to slow down and take a break…