Electrolytes Explained!
Summer is a great time to exercise! And many people actually prefer to work out in warmer weather, or in a warmer temperature. But are you paying attention to your Electrolytes? Do you even know what they do?
Electrolytes are extremely important for fluid balance in the body! Watch these Wellness Minutes to get the scoop on Electrolytes, and what you can do to stay hydrated!

Weight Management Through The Holiday Season
Today's Wellness Minutes are about indulging responsibly throughout the holiday season. We can safely assume that the holiday season will bring so many more treats into our lives so, we need to plan ahead to be smart about things. Enjoy these helpful tips!

Having Heartburn? What You Need To Know!
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about heartburn. Now, the terms heartburn and acid reflux tend to be used interchangeably but that’s not really accurate. Heartburn is a feeling or a sensation. It’s a symptom. It’s when you have heaviness in your chest or tightness…