Having Heartburn? What You Need To Know! HealthWellnessDigestive HealthHeartburnHealthy Employees Sep 1 Written By Tricia Nickl Today’s Wellness Minutes are about heartburn. Now, the terms heartburn and acid reflux tend to be used interchangeably but that’s not really accurate. Find out why! Wellness MinutesAcid RefluxHeart BurnStomach PainBurpingBurning SensationChest PainWellness GoalsNutritionHealthy Eating Tricia Nickl
Having Heartburn? What You Need To Know! HealthWellnessDigestive HealthHeartburnHealthy Employees Sep 1 Written By Tricia Nickl Today’s Wellness Minutes are about heartburn. Now, the terms heartburn and acid reflux tend to be used interchangeably but that’s not really accurate. Find out why! Wellness MinutesAcid RefluxHeart BurnStomach PainBurpingBurning SensationChest PainWellness GoalsNutritionHealthy Eating Tricia Nickl