Procrastination. The Biggest Nation in the World!
Do you procrastinate? Do you know why? Did you know there is relief in action?
As a society, we have come to feel the need to be comfortable at all times and at all costs. But there is a HUGE benefit to being UNcomfortable, because that is where all the action happens. That is where CHANGE happens. Remember ‘Short term pain for long term gain’? True Story!
So who’s with me? Who wants to get uncomfortable?
Electrolytes Explained!
Summer is a great time to exercise! And many people actually prefer to work out in warmer weather, or in a warmer temperature. But are you paying attention to your Electrolytes? Do you even know what they do?
Electrolytes are extremely important for fluid balance in the body! Watch these Wellness Minutes to get the scoop on Electrolytes, and what you can do to stay hydrated!
Meditation. Am I Doing It Right?
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about meditation. Now, the number one question going out there is ‘Am I doing it right?’ and the answer is ‘Yes! Absolutely! All the time because …
Having Heartburn? What You Need To Know!
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about heartburn. Now, the terms heartburn and acid reflux tend to be used interchangeably but that’s not really accurate. Heartburn is a feeling or a sensation. It’s a symptom. It’s when you have heaviness in your chest or tightness…
The Importance of Probiotics for Mental Health
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about the importance of probiotics for your mental health. Now, a long time ago we used to think that mental health was just a brain thing but now we understand that it’s a gut-brain thing. The gut-brain access and the way it communicates is…
You Deserve This.
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about taking time out for yourself. There’s a lot of conversation I’ve been having with both clients and friends about people’s inability to slow down and take a break…
Help for Thyroid Function.
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about how to support your thyroid function optimally. In another video, we discussed how the thyroid works and if you have hypothyroidism - why your medication may not be working. This video takes it a little further, looking at supportive nutrients and things that you can take out of your environment to …
Pooping. Am I normal?
Today’s Wellness Minutes are about pooping. This is a super important one so I hope you continue to watch it because it’s really just me and you, so there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I have a lot of people wondering what is normal and my answer to that is…
Hypothyroidism. Is My Medication Working?
Today’s Wellness Minutes are on hypothyroidism or low thyroid. There’s a lot of people out there walking around on thyroid medication that aren’t seeing any results and I thought I’d clarify why you may or may not be seeing results with your thyroid medication…
This Could Be Why You Are Not Sleeping.
Today’s Wellness Minutes are on LED lighting and sleep. If you are struggling to get to sleep these days, I just want to let you know that you are in some pretty good company. There’s a ton of people with sleep problems and I wanted to shed a bit of light on what might be making it worse instead of better…
3 Big Reasons to Drink More Water
Today’s Wellness Minutes are on water and hydration. I know you may want to fast forward through this one and think ‘oh it’s just water it’s not important’ but I’m telling you it’s super important and you need to listen to these three reasons why it is…